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【美科科技】THE BEST OR NOTHING 美科 MCM 是您最好的選擇 2023-10-24

MECOM INDUSTRIES CORP 因其對環境、社會和治理 (ESG) 的奉獻而獲得認可,其由可生物降解 植物油製成的 MCM 植物金屬切削液榮獲台灣多項獎項。 MCM 植物切削液不含有毒、礦物油和苯 酚、亞硝酸鹽等有害物質,是顧客環保、安全的選擇。 這款屢獲殊榮的產品具有多項優勢,包括減少 廢棄物產生、提高表面精度和減少油霧。 透過使用 MCM 植物切削液,客戶可以實現綠色智慧生產, 節省時間和人力,提高產能,同時降低營運成本。 MECOM INDUSTRIES CORP 致力於創造永續的 未來,並在實現淨零碳排放方面取得了重大進展。

MECOM INDUSTRIES CORP has been recognized for its dedication to Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) with the receipt of the Taiwan many Awards for its MCM plant base cutting fluid made from biodegradable vegetable oil.

MCM plant base is free of toxic, mineral oil and harmful substances such as phenol, and nitrite,making it an eco-friendly and safe choice for customers. This award-winning products has several advantages, including reducing waste generation, improving surface accuracy, and reducing oil mist.

By using MCM plant base cutting fluids customers can achieve green and smart production, save time and manpower, and increase production capacity, all while reducing operating costs. MECOM INDUSTRIES CORP is dedicated to creating a sustainable future and has made significant strides towards achieving net-zero carbon emissions.

公司名稱 美科科技股份有限公司 參展區別 工具機區
參展產品 植物性金屬切削液
地  址 桃園市大園區工三路4號
電  話 03-386-4599
傳  真 03-386-4109
E-MAIL mcmhq@mcmlube.com
網  址 www.mcm-tw.com

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